Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Mickey's Tavern - Williamson Street

There are people around here who believe that Madison is Willy St. That isn't true, but there is something about Mickey's. It's unpretentious, but still a bit of a hipster. When I show this picture to my fellow Madisonians, they smile.


Eric said...

Welcome! Nice starting photo.

Kris said...

nice b/w and treatment, like it!

Deb said...

Minneapolis welcomes you to the DP World...it seems somehow appropriate that a first photo from a Wisconsin DP site features a tavern!
Can't wait to see more from your beautiful city!

Gaƫlle said...

welcome. I like your very first shot. And thanx for dropping by my Grenoble Daily photo.

Alan said...

Rumour has it that Mickey's Tavern is home to the longest-running traditional Irish music session at one address anywhere in the Midwest. Every Wednesday eve since around 1990, through three different owners of the tavern.

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